7 Tips to Help Prepare Your Kids for Professional Photos

Little girl clapping - prepare your kids for photos

If you’re wondering how to prepare your kids for photos, I’ve got 7 tips to get the kids and especially toddlers ready for your session. A little prep work with your kids will allow the whole family to enjoy the experience and love the photos. If you have been wanting to book a session but the stress of getting that perfect portrait is stopping you, these tips are for you. 

How to Prepare Your Kids for Photos:

1. Talk to them about your session

Talking to your little ones and letting them know what to expect for a portrait session helps them feel more comfortable. You can take it a step further by telling them the photographer’s name and even showing them a picture. This will help them feel like they are not meeting a stranger, alleviating shyness and anxiety. You know your child best and what they need to feel comfortable.

Although, I absolutely adore shy mommy hugs! 

talk to them to prepare kids for photos

2. Never force them to do something they don’t want to do

The fastest way to bring on a meltdown (for all involved) is to try to force kids to do something for a photo. Don’t worry about this, this is my job! I will respect your child’s no to any prompts or posing ideas. Instead, I like to ask them what they would like to do, take a minute to talk to them about their interest, have them take a photo, or show them their picture on my camera. We can try again when they are more comfortable.

I have a little one myself and completely understand all the emotions. I will never judge you, your parenting, or your children. It’s also totally normal for kids to need a little break. This is also a great time to get some photos of parents together!

prepare your kids for photos by taking a playful approach

3. Add a little surprise or treat

I always try to have a little surprise for kids at the end of our session. This is a great way to get their attention. It’s better coming from someone they don’t know as opposed to a parent. Kids are well aware mom will give in on that treat eventually. 😛 

If you want to bring a little treat for mid-session make sure it’s not messy and can be easily concealed. Chocolate can be very messy for drooling toddlers, goldfish can leave orange residue on faces and clothes, and suckers sticks will be seen in photos. The best options are smarties, cheerios, raisins, or yogurt melts. They are all small enough for little hands to hold without being seen.

A great alternative to mid-session snacks is to offer a special treat for after the session like dinner or ice cream. This trick works better for older kids. Let your photographer know your plan and they will help you know the best time to share this fun plan with your kids. You don’t want to tell them too early or they will be ready to go for ice cream after 15 minutes. Wait until they are losing energy and then excite them with the special family outing! 

Note: Make sure the tiny humans are fed before the session, very little can calm a hangry kid.

4. Give your session a playful approach

Try to play pretend photo shoot at home the week leading up to your session. This helps them understand a photo shoot can be a fun game to play with mommy/daddy and not something scary. Don’t practice with the “say cheese” expression, this always results in the forced smiles that moms do not want. Instead, pretend to take photos after singing a silly song they love, tickling their bellies, or asking for a big hug. These are all the things we will do in our session together. 

Little girl laughing and smiling, prepare your kids for photos

5. Schedule around nap time

This may seem obvious, but kids get grumpy around nap time. If you need to adjust naps to work better with the session, make sure to do so. You can also reach out to your photographer if you have concerns about nap schedules. I’m always happy to work together to find a time that works best for your family and still has great lighting.

Don’t try to combine travel with nap time. Napping in the car is not a good idea. Unlike babies, toddlers usually need some time to wake up and get used to their surroundings. Trying to wake a toddler and go right into a portrait session will not play out well (typically 30 minutes of them warming up to the idea of photos). Keep them entertained and awake in the car. For example, play their favorite songs, talk to them about what you’ll be doing, or let them play a portable game. 

prepare your kids for photos and make it playful

6. Plan for travel

Don’t pick a location too far away. You don’t want them tired and annoyed from being stuck in the car too long. Also, this helps avoid the above-mentioned car nap!

Pack their outfits and/or bring a backup outfit. Chances are they might want a snack in the car. Don’t risk the outfit getting a stain on it before your session!

7. Relax and enjoy your session

The best thing you can do to ensure photos turn out great is to just relax and smile even when kids aren’t cooperating. Kids will feel your energy and match it. Stay light, happy, and keep showing them love. You can do all the things to prepare your kids for photos but this is the most important!

Let them be little and let go of the idea of a perfect photo. Doing this will allow you and your kids to have a fun, memorable experience together. I guarantee you are more likely to have a “perfect” photo of your family this way. 

prepare your kids for photos and stay relaxed during your session

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips that you can easily apply to help prepare your kids for your next family photos. This time goes by so quickly and you’ll want to remember this age with your little ones. It’s always my goal to make sessions stress free and fun for everyone involved. Reach out to me today if you would like to book, have more questions. Follow along with me on Facebook and Instagram to get to know me a little better!


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